Post Tagged with: "Grants & awards"
Pengpei Zhu awarded the KHMW Young Talent Graduation Award for Astronomy
Congratulations to PhD student Peng Pei who has been awarded the KHMW Young Talent Graduation Award for Astronomy by the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities, for his master’s thesis at Leiden.
Charlotte Mason receives large ERC grant to study structure formation in the early Universe
Congratulations to Charlotte Mason who has been awarded a large grant from the European Research Council. The grant will fund two postdocs and a PhD student that will become a part of Charlotte Mason’s research group and help studying how galaxies formed and affected the early Universe.
Største James Webb-program nogensinde godkendt: ledet af forskere på Cosmic Dawn Center
For tredje gang siden dets opsendelse har forskere verden over deltaget i den årlige udvælgelsesproces om observationstid på rumteleskopet James Webb. Blandt de succesfulde ansøgninger, som nu er blevet udvalgt af komiteen, er de største program nogensinde udført med James Webb, “COSMOS-3D”, ledet af adjunkt Koki Kakiichi på Cosmic Dawn Center. Programmet har som mål at kortlægge Universet i 3D og herved udforske hvordan galakser har udviklet sig og er fordelt i rummet.
Largest James Webb program yet approved: led by researchers at the Cosmic Dawn Center
For the third time since its launch, researchers all over the world have entered the annual selection process for observing time at the James Webb Space Telescope. Among the successful proposals that have now been selected by the committee is the largest program ever conducted with Webb, “COSMOS-3D”, led by assistant professor Koki Kakiichi at the Cosmic Dawn Center. The program aims to map the early Universe in 3D, exploring how galaxies in this epoch evolved and are distributed in space.