2nd Edinburgh-Copenhagen Joint Workshop:

Seeding Joint Studies of the First Galaxies with JWST

To register, please fill out this form.
There is no registration fee, and travel funding is available for a limited number of participants from the non-host institute. Lunch, coffee breaks, and a workshop dinner are included. This workshop is generously funded by the Edinburgh – Copenhagen Strategic Partnership Seed Fund, with additional support from the Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics.
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    About the workshop

    The James Webb Space Telescope is ushering in a new era in studying the earliest epochs of the Universe. Dubbed the “First Light Machine”, JWST is already revealing unprecedented insights and unexpected mysteries about the first galaxies that lit up the Universe during the so-called Epoch of Reionisation (EoR). Situating and contextualising these ground-breaking observations within our current models of how galaxies like our Milky Way came to be is a forefront challenge in astrophysics today.

    Edinburgh’s Institute for Astronomy (IfA) and Copenhagen’s Cosmic Dawn Center (DAWN) are two of the leading institutes involved in utilizing JWST and other observations to probe the EoR. This workshop is the second of two bringing together DAWN and IfA astrophysicists working on early galaxy evolution, with the goal of creating synergies and fostering collaborations that will strengthen and benefit researchers at both institutes.

    Time and venue

    The meeting will take place on 26–28 August at the Cosmic Dawn Center, Copenhagen.


    • IfA
      • Fergus Cullen, Romeel Davé, Jim Dunlop
    • DAWN
      • Thomas Greve, Charlotte Mason, Sune Toft


    To register, please fill out this form.

    There is no registration fee, and travel funding is available for a limited number of participants from the non-host institute. Lunch, coffee breaks, and a workshop dinner are included. This workshop is generously funded by the Edinburgh – Copenhagen Strategic Partnership Seed Fund, with additional support from the Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics.

    List of participants

    Abby Patrick (IfA)
    Anne Hutter (DAWN/NBI)
    Bitten Gullberg (DAWN/DTU)
    Bo Milvang-Jensen (DAWN/NBI)
    Britton Smith (IfA)
    Callum Donnan (IfA)
    Chamilla Terp (DAWN/NBI)
    Chandana Hegde (DAWN/DTU)
    Charlotte Mason (DAWN/NBI)
    Corey Pirie (IfA)
    Derek McLeod (IfA)
    Dirk Scholte (IfA)
    Fengyuan Liu (IfA)
    Fergus Cullen (IfA)
    Gabriel Brammer (DAWN/NBI)
    Giulia Pruto (IfA)
    Gonzalo Prieto-Lyon (DAWN/NBI)
    Iris Jermann (DAWN/DTU)
    James Dunlop (IfA)
    Karla Z. Arellano-Córdova (IfA)
    Kasper Elm Heintz (DAWN/NBI)
    Ken Duncan (IfA)
    Kimi Cardoso Kreilgaard (DAWN/NBI)
    Koki Kakiichi (DAWN/NBI)
    Laura Keating (IfA)
    Lise Christensen (DAWN/NBI)
    Natalie Allen (DAWN/NBI)
    Peter Laursen (DAWN/NBI)
    Rachel Cochrane (IfA)
    Rashmi Gottumukkala (DAWN/NBI)
    Romeel Dave (IfA)
    Ross McLure (IfA)
    Ryan Begley (IfA)
    Sadegh Khochfar (IfA)
    Sophia Flury (IfA)
    Steven Gillman (DAWN/DTU)
    Sune Toft (DAWN/NBI)
    Thomas Greve (DAWN/DTU)
    Thomas Stanton (IfA)
    Ting-Yi Lu (DAWN/NBI)
    Viola Gelli (DAWN/NBI)
    Zhen Xiang (IfA)


    Talks are 12 mins + 3 mins for questions. We will have ample time for more discussion in breaks and dedicated discussion sessions


    Dinner for the participants:

    Vilde madoplevelser på toppen af Nordhavns ikoniske silo

    Restaurant SILO, Helsinkigade 29, 17. Etage, 2150 Nordhavn

    Date: Tuesday, 27 August 2024

    Time: starting at 19:00

    The Dinner: 3-course dinner incl. 2 glasses of wine or non-alcoholic and coffee/tea.

    • Starter: Carpaccio with parmesan & truffle vinaigrette
    • Main course: Rib eye with scorzona roots & glace
    • Dessert: Milk chocolate, vanilla and blueberries

    *Dietary restrictions (vegan, allergies) will be served accordingly to them.

    Website: restaurantsilo.dk



    Local information

    Getting there

    The workshop will take place at the DAWN's location in the Niels Bohr Building, meeting room 02.2.I.158, Rådmandsgade 64, 2nd floor (counting from 0).

    Busses 6A and 5C will take you from Nørreport in the center of the city. Alternatively, it's a good 30 minutes' walk.

    From the Central Station, you can take metro line M3 "via Frederiksberg" eight stops, getting off at Skjold's Plads, from where it's a 10 minutes' walk.

    When you exit from the baggage pickup, you will see this:

    Nørreport is the 9th stop.


    Participants should arrange their own accommodations, but a list of recommendations can be found here: