DAWN staff & students

The DAWN family comprises both permanent and temporary staff. At any time, some 40 local scientists and student are found at UCPH and DTU. In addition, we have around 10 affiliated scientists at various institutions around the world.

All staff and students are seen below in a random order. Use the filter buttons to look for specific groups, and click images for more details.

If you're a new DAWNer, you can write to DAWN admin to create your profile.

Sune Toft

Center director

Professor of Cosmology and Extragalactic Astrophysics and center director of the Cosmic Dawn Center.

Thomas R. Greve

Professor, Center Co-Director

Professor of Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology, and center co-director.

Georgios Magdis

Associate Professor & Center deputy director

Galaxy formation and evolution, observational cosmology, ISM

Helena Baungaard-Sørensen

Section Secretary

My main tasks are to provide with administrative assistance to the DAWN team. I enjoy working with passionate people and dedicated scientists and to b...

Rikke Stougaard Klausen

Student helper

Helping out admin staff and overseeing the websites. I am also a master's student at the Niels Bohr Institute.

Johan Fynbo


I am a professor at the Cosmic Dawn Center at the Niels Bohr Institute. I work on galaxy formation, quasar surveys, transient astrophysics, and develo...

Charlotte Mason

Associate Professor

Galaxy formation & evolution, Reionization, and the galaxy-dark matter connection in the early Universe.

Darach Jafar Watson

Associate Professor

I am mainly observationally oriented and have of the course of my career applied a wide range of techniques and wavelengths ranging from X-rays (using...

Gabriel Brammer

Associate Professor

Galaxy evolution with space telescopes.

Peter Jakobsen

Affiliate Professor

My scientific interests include astronomical space instrumentation, applied statistics, and the physics of the early universe with emphasis on quasar ...

Francesco Valentino

Assistant Professor

Galaxy evolution, star formation, and quenching. Carlsberg Fellow.

Allan Hornstrup

Associate Professor

Head of Astrophysics and Atmospheric Physics and ass. prof. at the Cosmic Dawn Center, DTU Space.

Lise Christensen

Associate Professor

My research topics focus on the nature of gas and stars in and around distant galaxies with observations from the largest telescopes. Specifically, I ...

Kasper Elm Heintz

Assistant Professor

I mainly work on the optical counterparts and host galaxies of astronomical transients such as fast radio bursts and gravitational wave events, to bet...

Victoria Strait

DAWN Fellow

High redshift galaxy properties, Epoch of Reionization

Steven Gillman


High redshift galaxy evolution, star-forming galaxies, kinematics, morphology, JWST MIRI GTO

Lijie Liu

DAWN Fellow

Specialised in observational radio/(sub)mm astronomy, interstellar medium, star formation and galaxy evolution.

Conor McPartland


I am a PhD candidate at the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy. I use galaxy morphology and optical/near-IR spectroscopy to study the relati...

Anne Hutter

DAWN Fellow

Galaxy formation and evolution, Reionisation, 21cm signal, Lyman-alpha emitters, modelling & simulations.

Minju Lee

DAWN Fellow

galaxy formation and evolution -- galactic ecosystem (ISM/CGM/ICM); cluster formation and evolution; AGN feedback

Jasleen Matharu

DAWN Fellow

I am a DAWN Fellow at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen. I will be assisting in building the necessary software to process JWST Slitl...

Anton Norup-Sørensen


I work with instrument design for astronomy.  Development is made in close contact with both astronomers and workshops. Projects include characterisat...

Bo Milvang-Jensen


I am a researcher based at the Cosmic Dawn Center. I received my master's degree from the University of Copenhagen, having carried out the research fo...

Michael Andersen

Technology Manager

Responsible for the technical implementation of instrument projects, such as the NBI Euclid (NISP) contribution and the NOT Transient Explorer and the...

Peter Laursen

Astrophysicist and Science Communicator

Galaxy modeling, Lyman α radiative transfer, outreach, press releases+contact, news stories, webmaster, event coordination, …

Katherine E. Whitaker

Assistant Professor


Daniele Bjørn Malesani


Interests: gravitational waves, gamma-ray bursts, transients, observations.

Pascal Oesch

Associate Professor at U. Geneva

First galaxies; galaxy evolution; imaging & spectroscopy with HST, Spitzer, Keck, VLT, ALMA & NOEMA

Joris Witstok

DAWN Fellow

Galaxy formation and evolution, early build-up of metals and dust, Cosmic Reionisation

Birgitta Nordström

Associate Professor Emerita

Star formation, nucleosynthesis, and general chemical and dynamical evolution of the Galactic disk.

Shuowen Jin

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow

Formation and evolution of distant dusty galaxies and clusters. Infrared, (sub)mm & radio observations.

Aayush Arya

PhD Student

Nucleosynthesis of heavy elements and their identification in the spectra of kilonovae.

Nikolaj Bjerregaard Sillassen

PhD Student

Formation and evolution of large-scale structures, star-forming galaxies, and starburst galaxies.

Joonas Kari Markku Viuho

PhD Student

Instrumentation, e.g. for the NOT Transient Explorer (NTE).

David Blánquez Sesé

PhD Student

Quiescent galaxies, Interstellar medium, Galaxy formation and evolution

Ting-Yi Lu

PhD Student

Gonzalo Prieto

PhD Student

Galaxy evolution; Reionization; Early Universe; Lyman Alpha Emitters.

Clara Pollock

PhD Student

I am a PhD student at DAWN, NBI working with JWST spectroscopy of high-redshift galaxies.

Natalie Allen

PhD Student

Researching the first galaxies, galaxy evolution and reionization with observations from ground breaking telescopes: JWST, Euclid, Subrua, ect...

Simone Vejlgaard Nielsen

PhD Student

I am a MSc student working on my thesis under supervision of prof. Johan Fynbo and postdoc Kasper E. Heintz.

Albert Bjerregård Sneppen

PhD Student

I am a PhD student at DAWN, NBI working with Darach Watson on examining the structure and evolution of spectral lines in kilonovae.

Viola Gelli


First galaxies formation and evolution, star formation at high redshift

Rashmi Gottumukkala

PhD Fellow

Stellar mass build-up in the first galaxies; massive, dusty and quiescent galaxies at high redshifts

Kimi Cardoso Kreilgaard

PhD Student

First galaxies and their connection to dark matter haloes + Reionization and the ionising photon escape fraction.

Guozhen Ma

PhD Student

I am currently a second-year master’s student writing my thesis at the Cosmic Dawn Center, supervised by Prof. Johan Fynbo. My thesis is trying to mak...

Marko Shuntov


Galaxy evolution; Dark matter; Clustering; Weak lensing; Multiband observations with JWST, HST, HSC.

Iris Jermann

PhD Student

Bitten Gullberg

Carlsberg Integration Fellow

Omar Ahmad Rashdan

MSc Student

Mapping the intergalactic medium at the epoch of reionization, with Koki Kakiichi as supervisor.