DAWN takes pride in explaining both our own research, and astronomy in general, to the public. Below is a list of our previous media appearances (note that much of the material is in Danish).
Are you a journalist looking for a comment, an explanation, an opinion, or a full interview, please get in touch:
- 5 things you should know about the James Webb Space Telescope
- DAWN contributed to this educational video from the Danish public-service tv/radio broadcasting company.
JWST Launch: Progress-commentary
On Christmas Day 2021 NASA launched the Hubble telescope's successor: the James Webb Space Telescope, which will help humanity look further back in time and hopefully gather a better understanding of the universe's origin.
Watch the commentary on TV2-Play
Everything in the Universe is built of little particles
As a part of the Ministry of Educations' strategy to increase school pupils' interest in science ("Naturvidenskabens ABC"), 10 researchers explain 10 scientific insights, and their own relation to these insights. This is DAWN's contribution:
Johan Fynbo talks about galaxies
Johan Fynbo, Professor at DAWN, talks about the foundations and history of the study of galaxies and cosmology and why we want to continue pushing the boundaries of astronomy on this video from one of our main contributors, Carlsbergfondet:
On the astrophysical implications of a giant truffle cake (w/ Jonatan Spang/Tæt På Sandheden)
Jonatan Spang, the host of the Danish satire show Tæt På Sandheden, contacted DAWN to learn how big a "romkugle" he could donate to our Prime Minister, Mette Frederiksen (spoiler: As you add cake, at roughly 50,000 km it begins to shrink rather than grow, and as it reaches 30,000 km, it turns into a star).
Science Slam w/ Peter Laursen & Thomas Greve at the Planetarium
Planetarium fejrer 30 år med Per Vers, Science Slam og bobler from Planetarium Copenhagen.
The Planetarium in Copenhagen is celebrating it's 30th anniversary, and an event where eight physics professors, postdocs and PhD will discuss which area of physics is actually the best will be held with participation of Peter Laursen and Thomas Greve of DAWN. Drop by and check it out. There will be researchers representing everything from new aerospace technology to galaxy formation (yay), cosmoclimatology and exoplanetary studies.
The format of the event will be of a "Rapping Fight Night", a real Science Slam!
The Bishop Sisters on the hunt for God
Johan Fynbo has talked to Tine Lindhardt about his relation to science and God.
5 things you must know about galaxies
A video in videnskab.dk's series about researchers telling the top five most important facts about various topics.
- Sort huller — kosmiske tyve
- Johan Fynbo i Aarhus Studenterradio
- Vildt Naturligt
- Peter Laursen talks with Johan Olsen and Vicky Knudsen on DR/P1 about James Webb.
- Aarhus Studenterradio
- Johan Fynbo talks with Kasper about black holes.
- Radio 4
- Winter solstice theme: "Darkness"
- Radio 4
- Discovery of an object which might be the transition from a dusty galaxy to a quasar
- Radio 4
- James Webb's first light
- Radio 4
- On the recent claims of distance record-breaking galaxies
- Radio 4
- Webb's first images
- Radio 4
- Dusty galaxies
- Radio 4
- James Webb started its "real" scientific observations
- Radio 4
- James Webb's mirrors are in place, and it is fully cooled to 6 K
- Radio 4
- Rogue planets
- The James Webb Space Telescope Is About To Launch (Charlotte Mason on NPR)
- NASA is about to launch the most powerful space telescope ever (Charlotte Mason on NPR)
- The science of JWST (Francesca Rizzo / Co.Scienza)
- Universe Revealed (Charlotte Mason in a BBC/PBS documentary)
- Pilestræde: Spejle i rummet (Albert Sneppen talks about black holes in Danish)
- Time (travel) & entropy in Nolan's TENET (Peter Laursen with Simon Schmidt & Svenne Lund Jensen/Radio 4)
- Cosmic Dawn (Johan Fynbo with Lone Frank/Weekendavisen)
- The Big Bang (Peter Laursen with Tina Ipsen & Anders Høeg Nissen/RUMSNAK)
- Autumn's night sky in Norway (Peter Laursen with Kari Slaatsveen/NRK P1)
- Stars vs. grains of sand (Peter Laursen with Elise Farestveit/NRK P1)
In addition to comments in interviews, we also sometimes write our own popular science articles.
- Himlen Set Fra Jorden
- A beautiful book with astrophotos takes from Denmark. Consultancy by DAWN.
- Lyset fra Bohr
- Johan Fynbo, Peter Laursen & Darach Watson each wrote a chapter for this book explaining the research carried out at the Niels Bohr Institute.
- Ingeniøren
- Webb's first observations
- Scientific American
- Associate Professor Charlotte Mason was interviewed about the first JWST results.
- ABP live
- Researcher Shuowen Jin was interviewed about his work as an observational astronomer looking at galaxies in the early universe.
- Popular Science
- DAWN Fellow Anne Hutter was interviewed about how the JWST can shed more light on the earliest universe and the first forming galaxies.
- Laces Focus World Magazine
- Most distant single star observed
- videnskab.dk
- Are there more Universes than ours?
- videnskab.dk
- Will black holes swallow the Universe?
- videnskab.dk
- Rogue planets
- videnskab.dk
- James Webb's first images
- videnskab.dk
- Webb appointed "Breakthrough Of The Year" by Science
- videnskab.dk
- Remarkably big galaxies with Web
- A golden guiding-star
- Weekendavisen
- Earth, the sun and the universe
- Peter Laursen interviewed by Mikkel Vuorela/Dagbladet Information
- JWST: Danish astronomers to observe the deepest corners of space with the new super telescope
- Thomas Greve & Peter Laursen interviewed by Frederik Thymark/videnskab.dk
- Have researchers found a new spiral-arm in the Milky Way?
- Peter Laursen interviewed by Rasmus Fredsted/videnskab.dk)
- What keeps the solar system in place in the Milky Way?
- Peter Laursen interviewed by Christian Lindberg
- Understanding the Big Bang
- Johan Fynbo interviewed by Mikkel Vuorela/Dagbladet Information
- Science & God (Johan Fynbo interviewed by Sally Frydenlund/Uniavisen)
- Kæmpe gåde er løst: Forskere finder kilden til mystisk radiosignal fra rummet (Johan Fynbo interviewed by Lise Brix/videnskab.dk)
- Mystiske radioglimt hjælper forskere med at finde universets manglende stof
(Johan Fynbo interviewed by Lise Brix/videnskab.dk) - The Nobel Prize in Physics 2020 (Peter Laursen interviewed by Anne Reil-Gammelgaard/Dagbladet Information)
- The Nobel Prize in Physics 2020 (Peter Laursen interviewed by Niklas Asp Nielsen/videnskab.dk)
- Nolan's "TENET": Time & entropy (Peter Laursen interviewed by Frederik Sonne/videnskab.dk)
- Article translated to Norwegian on forskning.no
- Stars vs. grains of sand (Peter Laursen interviewed by Frederik Sonne/videnskab.dk)
- Article translated to Norwegian on forskning.no
- The very first moment (Marianne Nordahl/forskning.no)
- Milky Way collision (Peter Laursen interviewed by Charlotte Price Persson/videnskab.dk)
- Mystiske radioglimt stammer fra ekstremt miljø i fjern galakse (Johan Fynbo interviewed by Lise Brix/videnskab.dk)
- Amatørastronom fanger sjældent lys fra supernova (Johan Fynbo interviewed by Anne Ringgaard/videnskab.dk)
- »Forbløffende« data fra stjerneeksplosion peger på fejl i teorier (Johan Fynbo interviewed by Charlotte Price Persson/videnskab.dk)
- Vores stjernehimmel er den samme som aldrig før (Johan Fynbo, Dagbladet Kristeligt Dagblad)
- Det mørke stof er universets store gåde (Johan Fynbo, Dagbladet Kristeligt Dagblad)
- Selv lyset kan ikke undslippe de sorte huller (Johan Fynbo, Dagbladet Kristeligt Dagblad)
- Himmelske glimt driver gæk med forskerne (Johan Fynbo, Dagbladet Kristeligt Dagblad)
- Opstandelse om verdens begyndelse (Johan Fynbo, Dagbladet Kristeligt Dagblad)
- Vi lever i en kosmisk Oase (Johan Fynbo, Dagbladet Kristeligt Dagblad)
- Hvordan ender universet? (Johan Fynbo, Dagbladet Kristeligt Dagblad)
- Kommer livet fra himlen? (Johan Fynbo, Dagbladet Kristeligt Dagblad)
- Astrofysiker: Et nyt forskningsfelt er født (Johan Fynbo, Dagbladet Kristeligt Dagblad)
- March for Science - hvad er fakta? (Johan Fynbo i Podcast med Anja C. Andersen på videnskab.dk)
- Astronomer zoomer ind på mystiske radioglimt (Johan Fynbo interviewed by Henrik Bendix/videnskab.dk)
- Jubiii! Utroligt normal supernova observeret (Johan Fynbo interviewed by Charlotte Price Persson/videnskab.dk)
James Webb Space Telescope
Astronomers find six distant – and mysteriously dead – galaxies (2021)
- KU Press Release
- Starts With A Bang
- forskning.no (Norwegian)
- IFLScience (Danish)
- videnskab.dk (Danish)
- Avisen.dk (Danish)
Astronomers observe the same supernova at three different points in the sky – predictions say there will be a fourth sighting in 16 years. (2021)
- NBI Press Release
- Science Daily
- Gizmodo
- Scientific American
- Bad Astronomer
- Videnskab.dk (Danish)
- Politiken.dk (Danish)
- DR.dk (Danish)
- EkstraBladet (Danish)
- Illustreret Videnskab (Danish)