Archive for November, 2021
Hver femte galakse i det tidlige Univers kan ligge skjult bag kosmisk støv
Astronomer fra Cosmic Dawn Center har netop opdaget to hidtil usynlige galakser 29 milliarder lysår ude i Universet. Opdagelsen peger på, at op mod hver femte galakse i det tidlige Univers fortsat ligger skjult for vores teleskoper, camoufleret bag kosmisk støv.
One in five galaxies in the early universe could be hidden behind cosmic dust
Astronomers from the Cosmic Dawn Center have discovered two previously invisible galaxies 29 billion light-years away. Their discovery suggests that up to one in five such distant galaxies remain hidden from our telescopes, camouflaged by cosmic dust.
DAWNers among the world’s highest cited scientists
Congratulations to Kate Whitaker, Pascal Oesch, Gabriel Brammer, and Fabian Walter for being among the top 1% highest cited researchers in the world.
Inclusion, diversity, and equity working group
Inclusion, diversity, and equity working group Who DAWN and DARK members People at any career stages are welcome Scope Share resources and promote conversations that help us to take initial […]