Archive for December, 2021
Claudia Lagos awarded the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics Young Astronomer prize
The prize was awarded for Claudia Lagos’ insightful contributions to the research of gas in the evolution of galaxies, including its role in the chemical and angular momentum evolution of galaxies and in the promotion and suppression of the formation of stars.
DAWN computing resources
DAWN computing resources Table of contents Add a header to begin generating the table of contents ERDA ERDA, or Electronic Research Data Archive, is the University of Copenhagen facility for […]
Kasper Heintz receives Carlsberg Reintegration Fellowship
The grant will be used to study the enigmatic fast radio bursts, for which Kasper Heintz recently was awarded 180 hours of observing time at the Very Large Telescope.
En ny metode til at undersøge stjernedannende gas i det tidlige Univers
Ved at kombinere observationer af eksploderende stjerner og observationer af galakser har astronomer ved Cosmic Dawn Center fundet en ny måde at estimere mængden af den ellers usynlige, kolde gas i nogle af de første galakser — gas, som til sidst vil kondensere og begynde at danne stjerner.