Claudia Lagos awarded the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics Young Astronomer prize

DAWN-affiliated astrophysicist Claudia Lagos Urbinas received the prize for her contributions to research in the role of gas in the evolution of galaxies.


Claudia Lagos Urbina is a Senior Research Fellow and Senior Lecturer the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR), and a DAWN affiliate. Author of the semi-analytic galaxy formation code shark, Claudia Lagos uses computer simulations to study galaxies and their evolution in detail.

The International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (UIPAP) is an international physics organization — indeed the only one organized and run by the physics community itself. The organization awards annually a prize in various fields of physics, and the 2021 prize in the field of astrophysics was awarded to Claudia Lagos, for her insightful contributions to the subject of the role of baryons in the evolution of galaxies, including its role in the chemical and angular momentum evolution of galaxies and in the promotion and suppression of the formation of stars.


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