Upcoming Events

10:30 DAWN journal club
DAWN journal club
Jul 29 @ 10:30 – 11:00
DAWN journal club
Weekly paper discussion session.   For the current agenda, upcoming moderators, and other details, please visit cosmicdawn.dk/wikidawn/dawn-activities/journal-club.
10:30 DAWN journal club
DAWN journal club
Aug 5 @ 10:30 – 11:00
DAWN journal club
Weekly paper discussion session.   For the current agenda, upcoming moderators, and other details, please visit cosmicdawn.dk/wikidawn/dawn-activities/journal-club.
10:30 DAWN journal club
DAWN journal club
Aug 12 @ 10:30 – 11:00
DAWN journal club
Weekly paper discussion session.   For the current agenda, upcoming moderators, and other details, please visit cosmicdawn.dk/wikidawn/dawn-activities/journal-club.
10:30 DAWN journal club
DAWN journal club
Aug 19 @ 10:30 – 11:00
DAWN journal club
Weekly paper discussion session.   For the current agenda, upcoming moderators, and other details, please visit cosmicdawn.dk/wikidawn/dawn-activities/journal-club.

Recent DAWN papers

Lagos, Claudia del P. et al. , Quenching massive galaxies across cosmic time with the semi-analytic model SHARK V2.0, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Killi, Meghana et al. , The ALPINE-ALMA [C II] survey: characterization of spatial offsets in main-sequence galaxies at z 4-6, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Koljonen, Karri I. I. et al. , The extreme coronal line emitter AT 2022fpx: Varying optical polarization properties and late-time X-ray flare, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

See more here.



Post Tagged with: "ALMA"

  • ALMA opdager roterende babygalakse ved hjælp af naturligt, kosmisk teleskop

    Using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, DAWNers and collaborators found a rotating baby galaxy 1/100th the size of the Milky Way at a time when the Universe was only 7% of its present age. Assisted by the “gravitational lens effect”, the team was able to explore for the first time the nature of small and dark “normal galaxies” in the early Universe, representative of the main population of the first galaxies.

  • ALMA Discovers Rotating Infant Galaxy with Help of Natural Cosmic Telescope

    Using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, DAWNers and collaborators found a rotating baby galaxy 1/100th the size of the Milky Way at a time when the Universe was only 7% of its present age. Assisted by the “gravitational lens effect”, the team was able to explore for the first time the nature of small and dark “normal galaxies” in the early Universe, representative of the main population of the first galaxies.

  • Highest detail yet observations of distant galaxy

    Image credit: Seiji Fujimoto. Massive matter — such as clusters of galaxies — distort and magnify light from distant galaxies behind them through gravitational lensing. This can make faint galaxies […]


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