Upcoming Events

10:30 DAWN journal club
DAWN journal club
Oct 7 @ 10:30 – 11:00
DAWN journal club
Weekly paper discussion session.   For the current agenda, upcoming moderators, and other details, please visit cosmicdawn.dk/wikidawn/dawn-activities/journal-club.
10:30 DAWN journal club
DAWN journal club
Oct 14 @ 10:30 – 11:00
DAWN journal club
Weekly paper discussion session.   For the current agenda, upcoming moderators, and other details, please visit cosmicdawn.dk/wikidawn/dawn-activities/journal-club.
10:30 DAWN journal club
DAWN journal club
Oct 21 @ 10:30 – 11:00
DAWN journal club
Weekly paper discussion session.   For the current agenda, upcoming moderators, and other details, please visit cosmicdawn.dk/wikidawn/dawn-activities/journal-club.
10:30 DAWN journal club
DAWN journal club
Oct 28 @ 10:30 – 11:00
DAWN journal club
Weekly paper discussion session.   For the current agenda, upcoming moderators, and other details, please visit cosmicdawn.dk/wikidawn/dawn-activities/journal-club.



Archive for December, 2022

  • Charlotte Mason awarded large grant from the Carlsberg Foundation

    Charlotte Mason has received the “Semper Ardens: Accelerate” grant from the Carlsberg Foundation of DKK 5,000,000. The grant will be used to investigate how, and when, the first stars in the Universe formed.

  • Rekordfjern galakse bekræftet med rumteleskopet James Webb

    Efter et halvt år med hyppige nye kandidater for den fjerneste galakse, vi nogensinde har set, er det endelig lykkedes astronomer at opnå det afgørende bevis: Et spektrum, som gør det muligt for forskerne at måle den nøjagtige bølgelængde af det lys, galakserne udsendte i fortiden. Fire galakser er blevet bekræftet, og den fjerneste ses helt tilbage til blot 320 millioner år efter Big Bang.

  • Record distant galaxy confirmed with the James Webb Space Telescope

    After half a year of frequent new candidates for the most distant galaxy ever seen, astronomers have finally acquired the conclusive evidence: a spectrum, allowing the researchers to measure the exact wavelengths of the light emitted from the galaxies in the past, and hence to determine their distances unambiguously. Four galaxies have been confirmed, with the most distant one seen only 320 million years after the Big Bang.

  • Astronomer opdager gådefuld kosmisk eksplosion

    Gammaglimt er de kraftigste eksplosioner i Universet — resultatet af enten stjerner som kollapser, eller af kompakte stjernerester som støder sammen. Men en nylig opdagelse passer ikke ind i nogen af disse kategorier, og udfordrer dermed vores forståelse af deres oprindelse. Astronomer ved Niels Bohr Institutet har spillet en vigtig rolle i studiet, som kan få os til at revidere vores teorier om disse voldsommer fænomener.

  • Astronomers discover enigmatic cosmic explosion


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