Post Tagged with: "Supernovae"
Astronomer ser den samme supernova tre gange — og forudsiger en fjerde om 16 år
Tyngdekraften fra en tung galaksehob har tilladt lyset fra en fjern supernova at nå ned til os fire gange; tre i 2016 og — forudser vi — en fjerde gang i år 2037.
Astronomers see the same supernova three times — and predict a fourth to appear in 16 years
Gravitational lensing has allowed the light from a distant supernova to reach us four times; three in 2016 and — we predict — a fourth time in the year 2037.
Measuring the expansion of the Universe: Researchers focus on the importance of measuring velocity
COSMOLOGY: Ever since the astronomer Edwin Hubble demonstrated that the further apart two galaxies are, the faster they move away from each other, researchers have measured the expansion rate of […]