Post Tagged with: "Outreach"
Hjælp ønskes! Astronomer søger assistance fra frivillige borgere
I et nyt, storslået projekt — Cosmic Dawn Survey — søger professionelle astronomer nu en hjælpende hånd fra offentligheden. Dette observationelle program kortlægger ti millioner af nye galakser, og for at beskrive deres fysiske egenskaber må galakserne organiseres efter diverse kriterier, herunder deres “udseende”. Men i modsætning til de fleste karakteristika i videnskab er en galakses udseende ikke altid objektiv.
Help wanted! Astronomers seek assistance from citizen scientists
In a new, magnificent project — the Cosmic Dawn Survey — professional astronomers are seeking the assistance from the public. The survey is unveiling tens of millions of new galaxies, and to describe their physical properties these galaxies need to be organized according to various criteria, including their “appearance”. But unlike most features in science, the appearance of a galaxy is not always objective.
First images from the James Webb Space Telescope
Tuesday July 12 at 16:30 (CEST) the long-awaited first images will be released from the James Webb Space Telescope. A reception / press conference will be held at the Cosmic Dawn Center, DTU Space.
Understanding galaxy evolution
Studying how galaxies evolve takes more than just observing them and noting their properties. A notable part of an astronomer’s job is about constructing physical models that explain the observed behavior.