Archive for November, 2023
Giants of the Universe: Francesco Valentino receives grant to join the Cosmic Dawn Center
Congratulations to Francesco Valentino who has been awarded a large Sapere Aude grant from Independent Research Fund Denmark to join us here at DAWN, leading a project to investigate the most massive galaxies of the early Universe.
Newsletter November 2023
DAWN Newsletter November 2023 Previous newsletters Newly appointed Representants of the DAWN PhD’s and PostdocsThe Cosmic Dawn Center has jointly appointed new Representants of our PhD’s and Postdocs. The Representants […]
Tre missioner tilbage i ESA’s kapløb om den næste medium-klasse rummission
Sidste år tilmeldte 27 missioner sig konkurrencen om at blive ESA’s næste “medium-klasse” rummission. Nu er kun tre tilbage, inklusiv THESEUS-missionen med deltagelse fra DAWN. Det foreslåede rumfartøjs mål er at afsløre hemmelighederne bag stjerneeksplosioner i det tidlige Univers.
Three missions left in ESA’s race for the next medium-class space mission
Last year, 27 missions entered the competition for ESA’s next “medium-class” space mission. Now only three are left in the race, including the THESEUS mission with involvement from DAWN. The proposed spacecraft aims to unveil the secrets of stellar explosions in the early Universe.