Archive for September, 2023
Neutronstjerner giver astronomer en ny måde at måle Universets udvidelse på
De seneste år har astronomien stået i lidt af en krise: Selvom vi ved at Universet udvider sig, og selvom vi ved nogenlunde hvor hurtigt, stemmer de to vigtigste måder til at måle denne hastighed ikke overens. Nu foreslår astrofysikere fra Niels Bohr Institutet en ny målemetode, som potentielt kan løse krisen.
Colliding neutron stars provide a new way to measure the expansion of the Universe
In recent years, astronomy has seen itself in a bit of crisis: Although we know that the Universe expands, and although we know approximately how fast, the two primary ways to measure this expansion do not agree. Now astrophysicists from the Niels Bohr Institute suggest a novel method which may help resolve this tension.
Newsletter September 2023
DAWN Newsletter September 2023 Previous newsletters NOT Summerschool Iris, David and Albert on La Palma. Photo Credit: Vadim Rusakov Iris Jermann, Ting-Yi Lu, David Blanquez, Albert Sneppen, Gonzalo Prieto Lyon […]
Astronomers discover newborn galaxies with the James Webb Space Telescope
With the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope, astronomers are now able to peer so far back in time that we are approaching the epoch where we think that the first galaxies were created. Throughout most of the history of the Universe, galaxies seemingly tend to follow a tight relation between how many stars they have formed, and how many heavy elements they have formed. But for the first time we now see signs that this relation between the amount of stars and elements does not hold for the earliest galaxies. The reason is likely that these galaxies simply are in the process of being created, and have not yet had the time to create the heavy elements.