DAWN Newsletter

May 2024

DAWN in Greenland!

DAWN MSc student Rema Ahmid has just returned from a 3-week adventure at Pituffik Space Base, where she joined the The Greenland Telescope (GLT) team to help with observations and calibration work.  The trip was sponsored by the DENASSI project at DTU Space and a grant from the William Demant Foundation. Rema’s role is to work as a liaison between the DENASSI and GLT projects.

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Photo credit: Rema Ahmid

During her time at the GLT, Rema helped with the ongoing observation campaign for the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) and the Global 3mm VLBI Array (GMVA). Rema gained valuable hands-on experience observing with radio telescopes. She performed several tests with the telescope such as SIO- and CO-observations of masers, setting up antenna beacons for holography testing, and much more. All of these happened in temperatures down to -25 degrees C. In addition to operating and observing with the GLT, Rema helped with the handling of the16 x 64 TB of data obtained and its shipment to the MIT Haystack Observatory in Massachusetts and the Max Planck institute in Bonn. Rema met people from the GLT and EHT teams as well as from the Danish Joint Arctic Command and the Canadian and US military.

The Greenland Telescope is a developing project with hopes of moving it to the Summit of the Greenland ice sheet. Until then the telescope will continue to be used for VLBI observation campaigns for the EHT and GMVA.  DAWN is also leading a project  that will bring the GISMO 2mm bolometer camera to the telescope.

Rema hopes she will get a chance to work with the EHT and GLT teams again in the future. Until then, Rema is now on her way to France, and later to Singapore, to continue her research for her MSc thesis.


The First HEAVYMETAL Meeting in Paralia, Greece

The HEAVYMETAL project held its first public-facing meeting ('HEAVYMETAL II') in Paralia in northern Greece under the shadow of Mount Olympus in early May 2024.

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Photo credit: Darach Watson

The meeting included our collaborators and many scientists outside HEAVYMETAL. The discussions were at a very high and detailed level, exploring all aspects of neutron star merger theory, observation, and experiment, and were extremely exciting, bringing together experts in all of these areas.

Kasper Heintz was the Copenhagen SOC member for the meeting. The guest of honor was Prof. Jim Lattimer of Stony Brook University (pictured, talking to Albert Sneppen), who wrote the seminal paper in the field of neutron star mergers 50 years ago this year. Our next public-facing meeting, HEAVYMETAL IV will be held near Copenhagen in May 2025.


"Extreme, Extreme, Extreme" in Iceland


Photo credit: The conference team

"Extreme galaxies in their extreme environments at extremely early epochs" - conference

Jasleen Kaur Matharu gave a contributed talk on the role of extreme galaxies in extreme environments shaping galaxy size growth and quenching over cosmic time. Jasleen also spoke with junior and senior scientists interested in and needing help with slitless spectroscopy in their research.

Kasper Elm Heintz was also an invited speaker and gave a talk at the start of the conference on our recent discovery of massive cold neutral gas reservoirs around early galaxies, suggesting we are now starting to uncover galaxy formation in progress.

It was great for all to meet and catch up with colleagues around the world and discuss ongoing and new science ideas.

The conference was also attended by Katherine E. Whitaker (a part of the SOC for this conference), our intern Olivia Cooper, and former DAWNers John Weaver and Vasily Kokorev who also participated.


Astronomy on TAP talk by Marko Shuntov

On Friday, 10 May 2024, Marko Shuntov gave a wonderful talk about Exploring the dark Universe with Euclid.

It was the third talk in a row by DAWNers at Astronomy on TAP!


Upcoming Events

♦ Cake Talks (ongoing) See the schedule here
♦ DAWN Day (Chair: Kimi C. Kreilgaard) 30 May See the agenda in this link (Teams Group)
♦ KU Festival 2024 31 May Read more here
♦ KIF Annual Meeting 2024 04 Jun Read more here and sign up
♦ DHL Relay Race 30 Aug Link: TBD

Upcoming Guests

Negin Khosravaninezhad (DAWN-Intern, UC Riverside) 02 Apr 30 Jun
Aurélien Genin (the École Polytechnique de Paris) 02 Apr 16 Aug
Olivia Cooper (University of Texas-Austin) 10 Apr 31 Jul
Matthieu Musy (ENSTA Bretagne) 06 May 30 Aug
Matteo Ferro (INAF/Brera, Milan, Italy) 13 May 31 May
Prof. Bruce Draine (Princeton University) mid-June 05 Jul
Seiji Fujimoto (University of Texas-Austin) 17 Jun 06 Jul
Aniket Bhagwat (MPA, PhD student) 01 Jul 02 Jul
Xiangyu Jin (Arizona, PhD student) 01 Jul 05 Jul

Bakken Summer Event


On Friday, 17 May 2024 we held a wonderful summer event at 'Bakken' for all of DAWN before "the conference season" takes off.



♦ Webinar: Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Master Class 11 Jun Link is here
♦ The Line Intensity Mapping 2024 meeting, University of Illinois 12-14 Jun Link is here
♦ Conference "Galaxy Groups in the era of eROSITA and Euclid: a multiwavelength view”, Sesto 01-05 Jul Link is here
♦ Workshop: The Edinburgh-DAWN Workshop (Copenhagen) 26-28 Aug Link and program
♦ Conference: Black Holes Inside and Out (Copenhagen) 26-30 Aug Read more here
♦ AGN Feedback and Star Formation Across Cosmic Scales and Time, Italy 02-06 Sep Read more here
♦ Workshop: ‘’Kochel CLAW" in Schloss Aspenstein, Kochelsee, Germany 30 Sep - 04 Oct Read more here
♦ VILLUM Foundation: Young Investigator 06 Jun DTU link UCPH link
♦ DFF: Project 1 (Inge Lehmann-programme) 18 Jun DTU link UCPH link
♦ VILLUM Foundation: Villum Investigators 21 Aug DTU link UCPH link
♦ Horizon Europe - Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships (PF) 11 Sep DTU link UCPH link
♦ Horizon Europe - Marie Sklodowska-Curie Doctoral Networks - preliminary call 27 Nov DTU link UCPH link

Danish Traditions & Culture

Midsummer and Graduation


Midsummer celebration in Denmark: While all of the Scandinavian and Baltic countries celebrate the summer solstice, the way and day in which each recognize this event varies. In Denmark, the solstice is tied to the feast of Saint John the Baptist, known in Denmark as Sankt Hans (“Hans” being the diminutive for Johannes, or John), who was supposedly born on June 24th. Because Danes like celebrating the eves of things that means 23 June is marked as the “Sankt Hans Aften”.


The bonfire tradition continues to this day. In the 1920’s, people began affixing a straw witch to the top of the fire as a way to remember the witch burning of the 16th and 17th centuries. You can find the bonfires and events with music around in Copenhagen, e.g. by the Lakes, in the Harbours, Nyhavn, in Frederiksberg Garden, Amager Beach and other beaches along the Danish coast line.



Graduation with white caps and the big celebration ‘road trip’ the last week of June

When Danish students graduates from the gymnasiums (high schools) some of the most sacred traditions involves the white cap with different colors of band, emblems and symbols to demonstrate where/which field the student is graduating from.

It all started in the 1920s and 1930s where students would dance around in a circle on the Kings Square in the heart of Copenhagen and around the statue ‘Hesten’. In the 1960s more citizens graduated as students than ever before, and so the tradition of driving around in city by a horse-wagon begun instead of the dance.



Today the graduation day and the hand-out of diplomas are followed with classmates visiting each other’s houses in a big van or open wagon that is decorated with Danish beech leafs, signs, and music playing on this festive ‘road trip around the city.



Another tradition is also that all classmates write little notes and quotes in each other’s caps as a “thank you and good luck in the future” for the years in High School, that they have spent together.

It is also a tradition to say ‘congratulations’ if you see a student with a white cap on - but of course not mandatory.




Please send feedback and content to: dawn_admin@nbi.ku.dk