DAWN Newsletter

June & July 2024

Public talk by DAWNers at the Planetarium


Photo credit: Hyemi Sohn

On Thursday, 30 May 2024, Minju Lee, Anne Hutter and Jasleen Matharu were among the researchers who spoke at this great great public talk event that gathered more than 100 people! After the session, they received a lot of questions and positive responses relevant to their talks.

  • Minju's presentation was on the introduction of studies of the large-scale structures with JWST. She described how to find distant overdense environments and how their mass can be measured by gravitational lensing.

  • Anne's presentation involved simulations, which are used when modeling the early universe. This evening, she enlightened us on the many scientific possibilities of JWST’s findings, and how simulations can help scientists predict what to expect from James Webb and future telescopes.

  • Jasleen's presentation aimed on processing and analyzing data from telescopes, such as JWST, that is crucial for making new scientific discoveries, and Jasleen is working on developing software for doing precisely this. She aims to use data from the telescope to explore some of the earliest galaxies in the Universe.


The birth of the earliest galaxies observed by DAWNers

Kasper 2

The great discovery happened via JWST, which has given the world the first 'live observations' of galaxies in the process of being formed.

Kasper, News 24 may 2024

For the first time in the history of astronomy, DAWNers have witnessed the birth of three of the universe's absolute earliest galaxies between 13.3 and 13.4 billion years ago!

The study was led by Kasper Heintz and was published in Science, where the team created the first direct measurement of cold, neutral gas that later formed stars within and around some of the earliest galaxies observed with JWST.

Read the full article in Science here and read the news story on the result and team behind at NASA's webpage here:

DAWNers that have contributed to this great discovery: Kasper E. Heintz, Darach Watson, Gabriel Brammer, Simone Vejlgaard, Anne Hutter, Victoria Strait, Pascal Oesch, Peter Laursen, Charlotte Mason, Meghana Killi & Sune Toft.


PhD Defense by Kate!



On Tuesday, 25 June 2024, Katriona Gould successfully defended her PhD Thesis.

The PhD Committe included: Supervisor Gabriel Brammer, Co-Supervisor Francesco Valentino and Evaluation Committee: Pascal Oesch, Mariska Kriek (Leiden University) and Ross McLure (The University of Edinburgh).


Big congratulations to Kate!

Upcoming Events

♦ Cake Talks (ongoing) See the schedule here
♦ DAWN Day (Chair: Bitten and Steven) 27 June See the agenda in this link (Teams Group)
♦ DHL Relay Race 30 Aug Read more here

Upcoming Guests

Negin Khosravaninezhad (DAWN-Intern, UC Riverside) 02 Apr 30 Jun
Aurélien Genin (the École Polytechnique de Paris) 02 Apr 16 Aug
Olivia Cooper (University of Texas-Austin) 10 Apr 09 Aug
Matthieu Musy (ENSTA Bretagne) 06 May 30 Aug
Seiji Fujimoto (University of Texas-Austin) 17 Jun 06 Jul
Lily Whitler (University of Arizona) 01 Jul 04 Jul
Aniket Bhagwat (MPA, PhD student) 01 Jul 02 Jul
Xiangyu Jin (Arizona, PhD student) 01 Jul 05 Jul
Desika Narayanan (University of Florida) 15 Jul 19 Jul

Julie Vinter Hansen's Atrium & Event


On Tuesday, 21 May 2024 we held a wonderful event in collaboration with Maren Malling from KIF (Kvinder i Fysik) and the 'opening' of the atrium at the Niels Bohr Building named after Julie Vinter Hansen.

It involved our own emeritus Erik Høg, Svend Laustsen and Jørgen Otzen, who all have worked under the leadership of 'VH' as her nickname became at that time.

Julie Vinter Hansen was the first danish woman to obtain a scientific degree in astronomy and to hold an appointment at the University of Copenhagen.

You can read the report and manuscript of the interesting speeches here. 


♦ Conference "Galaxy Groups in the era of eROSITA and Euclid: a multiwavelength view”, Sesto 01-05 Jul Link is here
♦ Workshop: The Edinburgh-DAWN Workshop (Copenhagen) 26-28 Aug Link and program
♦ Conference: Black Holes Inside and Out (Copenhagen) 26-30 Aug Read more here
♦ AGN Feedback and Star Formation Across Cosmic Scales and Time, Italy 02-06 Sep Read more here
♦ Workshop: ‘’Kochel CLAW" in Schloss Aspenstein, Kochelsee, Germany 30 Sep - 04 Oct Read more here
♦ VILLUM Foundation: Villum Investigators 21 Aug DTU link UCPH link
♦ EU Horizon Europe - ERC Advanced Grant 29 Aug DTU link UCPH link
♦ Horizon Europe - Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships (PF) 11 Sep DTU link UCPH link
♦ DFF Independent Research Fund Denmark: Project 2 08 Oct DTU link UCPH link
♦ DFF Independent Research Fund Denmark: Sapere Aude 10 Oct DTU link UCPH link
♦ EU Horizon Europe - ERC Starting Grant (Preliminary call) 15 Oct DTU link UCPH link
♦ EU Horizon Europe - ERC Synergy Grant (Preliminary call) 06 Nov DTU link UCPH link
♦ Horizon Europe - Marie Sklodowska-Curie Doctoral Networks - preliminary call 27 Nov DTU link UCPH link
♦ EU Horizon Europe - ERC Consolidator Grant (Preliminary call) 14 Jan DTU link UCPH link
♦ DFF Independent Research Fund Denmark: Project 1 29 Apr DTU link UCPH link

Danish Traditions & Culture

Jazz Festival

Copenhagen Jazz Festival: Every single summer since 1979 Copenhagen Jazz Festival has taken over Copenhagen as one of Europe’s most important international musical events based on eminent artistic quality and a sharp focus on both the new Danish and international jazz scene.

This year the festival will take place between 05 July - 14 July 2024 and you can find different venues. Some are free outdoor concerts and some require tickets. Find the program here


Beaches and Canal swimming spots: In Copenhagen, you are never far from a beach and during summer you can also go for a swim in the many centrally located harbor baths. Read more and see all beaches on a map here.

Islands brygge

Please send feedback and content to: dawn_admin@nbi.ku.dk