DAWN Newsletter

June-July 2023

Conference Season!

              During June, DAWN has been a part of organizing conferences from Boston to Pisa to the large-scaled Euclid meeting in Copenhagen with 400+ participants in person!


Allan Hornstrup opening the Euclid meeting

Boston, Clara, Natalie, Ting-Yi, Anne, Seiji

DAWNers represented at the First Light Conference in Boston

Francesca Rizzo, Puglia

Francesca Rizzo organized a conference in Puglia


Bitten Gullberg speaking at the Euclid meeting

DAWN Summit 2023

From Monday, 26 - Wednesday, 28 June 2023, DAWN held the yearly Summit with inspirational talks from students, professors, and our international associates. We ended the Summit with a lovely canal tour and had the conference dinner at Restaurant Kanalen, Christianshavn.

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Minju Lee speaking at the Summit


Welcome Champagne

Upcoming Events

♦ Cake Talks (ongoing) See the schedule here
♦ Lab-Retreat: Sweden 28-29 Aug Link for info is here
♦ Save the date: DAWN X-mas Party 15 Dec Venue: Munkekælderen

Upcoming Guests

SURF-students 19 Jun 02 Sep
Francesco Valentino 28 Jul 07 Aug
Seiji Fujimoto 31 Jul 01 Sep
Vasily Kokorev 31 Jul 14 Aug
Staff - Pascal Oesch 31 Jul 01 Sep
Viola Gelli 31 Jul 04 Aug
Steven Finkelstein 01 Aug 07 Aug
4 x Students from Geneva (Pascal Oesch) 14 Aug 25 Aug

Meet Shuowen Jin - new member of the 1st Author Pub-Club!


Hi there, I'm Shuowen Jin from China. Here at DAWN I'm a Marie Curie Fellow based at DTU. I'm working on multiple topics in galaxy evolution and formation, especially I'm interested in stars' dust and clusters of galaxies in the very early Universe. Currently, my team is studying distant dusty galaxies and galaxy clusters using advanced telescopes on Earth and in space.

When I started my astronomy career, I was more interested in cosmology. However, at that time cosmological studies were mostly focused on simulations. I feel very lost when dealing with simulated data which I have no idea if they are real. While the galaxies' images taken from telescopes never stop to fascinate me, I really want to know how they formed and what they looked like at the beginning of the Universe. Therefore I decided to become an observer and study galaxy formation using multi-wavelength data from both ground-based and space telescopes.

I have done a lot of work in infrared and radio astronomy, searching for the most distant dusty galaxies and investigating the properties of interstellar medium in the galaxies. I plan to do some projects using the synergy of JWST and radio telescopes.

Fun fact: Different from other people, drinking coffee makes me rather sleepy, so I generally have tea or wine by deadlines.

The finding in this paper is a compact galaxy group in hierarchical clustering when the Universe was younger than 1/10 of its current age. Hierarchical clustering is one of the most important processes in the formation of galaxies. It was predicted in theories for many years, but those groups of galaxies are too faint to be seen. In our paper, we show that the most powerful telescope JWST allowed us to witness this process in detail. Meanwhile we assess the fate of the structure by comparing with simulations, we found that the compact galaxy group is on the way forming a massive galaxy, i.e., the so-called "proto-massive galaxy".



♦ Webinar: Sapere Aude programme 22 Aug Link is here
♦ Webinar: ERC Consolidator Grant Programme 29 Aug Link is here
♦ Scientific Communication in Astronomy School 2nd Edition - Italy 02-06 Oct Link is here
♦ "Young Astronomers on Galactic Nuclei" (YAGN23) in Italy 18-20 Oct Link is here
♦ Horizon Europe - Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships (PF) 13 Sept DTU link UCPH link
♦ The Carlsberg Foundation: Semper Ardens: Accerlerate (preliminary) 01 Oct DTU link UCPH link
♦ The Carlsberg Foundation's annual call: Research Infrastructure 01 Oct DTU link UCPH link
♦ Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF): Sapere Aude 2023 10 Oct DTU link UCPH link
♦ Independent Research Fund Denmark: Project 2 (DFF) 11 Oct DTU link UCPH link
♦ EU Horizon Europe - ERC Starting Grant (preliminary) 25 Oct DTU link UCPH link
♦ Independent Research Fund Denmark: International Postdoc (DFF) 31 Oct DTU link UCPH link
♦ EU Horizon Europe - ERC Synergy Grant (preliminary) 08 Nov DTU link UCPH link
♦ EU Horizon Europe - ERC Consolidator Grant (preliminary) 12 Dec DTU link UCPH link

Danish Traditions & Culture

♫ Copenhagen Jazz Festival: Every single summer since 1979 Copenhagen Jazz Festival has taken over Copenhagen as one of Europe’s most important international musical events based on eminent artistic quality and a sharp focus on both the new Danish and international jazz scene.

This year the festival will take place between 30 June - 09 July 2023 and you can find different venues. Some are free outdoor concerts and some require tickets. Find the program here


Beaches and Canal swimming spots: In Copenhagen, you are never far from a beach and during summer you can also go for a swim in the many centrally located harbor baths. Read more and see all beaches on a map here.

Islands brygge