DAWN MoonWalk Challenge

At DAWN, we have taking upon us to walk around the Moon in 39 days, in terms of steps, or any other exercises. To convert other activities to steps, consult the official NASA guide.

Every step counts and we must do it together to succeed! Find the spreadsheet here (under "Random links"), type in your name or an alias, and GO!

Update 21 April: We may have to lower our expectations. Let's have four goals.
Update 6 May: We completed Goal #1, and will surely complete #2. At the moment, it seems #3 is within reach.

  • Goal #1: Walk to the center of the Moon
  • Goal #2: Walk from the Moon's equator to its pole
  • Goal #3: Walk through the Moon
  • Goal #4: Walk around the Moon
  • Total time

If we complete the challenge, we will have a nice “Friday Bar and Picnic” event Friday 21 May in the Park of Fælledparken near NBB (hopefully we will be allowed to be more than 10 people together outside at this time). More info to come.

We also encourage you (within the restrictions of course) to join in with other co-workers, staff or co-students and perhaps take a nice Walk’n’Talk and get everybody onboard and motivated for this Challenge.

