Title: Constraining Dark Matter with Stellar Streams from Beyond the Milky Way
Abstract: Stellar streams form when a dwarf galaxy or a cluster of stars is torn apart due to an underlying galactic potential, leaving behind a swath of thousands of stars that exhibit coherent, ordered motion within a host galaxy. We have detected ~100 stellar streams in the Milky Way, and these streams are sensitive to the distribution of dark matter and to the population of dark matter subhalos in our Galaxy, both of which depend on the mass and interactions of the dark matter particle. In the coming decade, thousands of stellar streams will be observed in the stellar halos of other galaxies than the Milky way with the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, Euclid, and the Vera C. Rubin Observatory. In this talk, I will give a brief overview of stellar stream science from our studies in the Milky Way, and I will discuss recent and ongoing work on how to use the incoming wealth of extragalactic stellar stream data to rule out dark matter candidates.