Upcoming Events

10:30 DAWN journal club
DAWN journal club
Apr 29 @ 10:30 – 11:00
DAWN journal club
Weekly paper discussion session.   For the current agenda, upcoming moderators, and other details, please visit cosmicdawn.dk/wikidawn/dawn-activities/journal-club.
10:30 DAWN journal club
DAWN journal club
May 6 @ 10:30 – 11:00
DAWN journal club
Weekly paper discussion session.   For the current agenda, upcoming moderators, and other details, please visit cosmicdawn.dk/wikidawn/dawn-activities/journal-club.
10:30 DAWN journal club
DAWN journal club
May 13 @ 10:30 – 11:00
DAWN journal club
Weekly paper discussion session.   For the current agenda, upcoming moderators, and other details, please visit cosmicdawn.dk/wikidawn/dawn-activities/journal-club.
10:30 DAWN journal club
DAWN journal club
May 20 @ 10:30 – 11:00
DAWN journal club
Weekly paper discussion session.   For the current agenda, upcoming moderators, and other details, please visit cosmicdawn.dk/wikidawn/dawn-activities/journal-club.

Recent DAWN papers

Fudamoto, Y. et al. , The NOEMA observations of GN-z11: constraining the neutral interstellar medium and dust formation in the heart of cosmic reionization at z = 10.6, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Hussenot-Desenonges, T. et al. , Multiband analyses of the bright GRB 230812B and the associated SN2023pel, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Gottumukkala, R. et al. , Unveiling the hidden Universe with JWST: the contribution of dust-obscured galaxies to the stellar mass function at z 3 - 8, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

See more here.



Post Tagged with: "JWST"

  • Fjernest kendte galakse-kandidat opdaget af James Webb

    Mindre end en uge efter at rumteleskopet James Webb blev klar til sine videnskabelige optagelser, kom de første rapporter i preprint om rekordfjerne, og dermed rekordtidlige, galakser. Endnu mere bemærkelsesværdigt er det, at galakserne ser ud til at være så tunge, at de udfordrer vores forståelse af, hvordan struktur dannes i Universet. Nu har de første to af disse rapporter gået gennem den obligatoriske fagfællebedømmelse, og gør dermed resultaterne mere robuste. Men astronomerne venter stadig på det afgørende bevis — spektroskopi.

  • Farthest galaxy candidate yet known discovered by James Webb

    Less than a week after the James Webb Space Telescope was ready for science, the first reports of discoveries of galaxies at record distances and, consequently, at record-early times appeared in preprints. Even more remarkably, these galaxies seem to be so massive that they challenge our understanding of how structure forms in the Universe. Now the two first of these reports have undergone the mandatory peer-review and have been accepted for publication in the scientific journal The Astrophysical Journal Letters, substantiating the robustness of the result. However, astronomers are still waiting for the conclusive evidence — spectroscopy.

  • Galaxies at Cosmic Dawn

    Since the James Webb Space Telescope began releasing its science observations last month, candidates for increasingly distant galaxies have been reported on a regular basis. In fact, the size and the number of distant galaxies seem to challenge our understanding of how galaxies form, although there are many caveats and alternative explanations. Are we facing a cosmological paradigm shift, are we misinterpreting our data, or are the more mundane reasons? Astronomers at the Cosmic Dawn Center in Copenhagen are working intensely on solving this puzzle.

  • Galakser ved Cosmic Dawn

    Siden Rumteleskopet James Webb begyndte at frigive sine videnskabelige observationer i sidste måned, har vi med jævne mellemrum set rapporter om fjernere og fjernere galakser. Umiddelbart ser det ud til, at galaksernes størrelse og antal udfordrer vores forståelse af, hvordan galakser dannes, selvom der er mange forbehold og alternative forklaringer. Står vi over for et kosmologisk paradigmeskift, fejlfortolker vi vores data, eller kan der være mere banale årsager? Astronomer ved Cosmic Dawn Center i København arbejder intenst på at løse dette mysterium.

  • James Webb challenges cosmic dawn

  • James Webb udfordrer det kosmiske daggry

  • First images from the James Webb Space Telescope

  • Hubble spots most distant single star ever seen, at a record distance of 28 billion lightyears

  • Hubble ser den fjerneste enkelte stjerne nogensinde, i en rekordafstand på 28 milliarder lysår

  • Karina Caputi receives a large grant from the Dutch Research Council


RSS Astro-Pic Of the Day

  • Untitled
    Yes, but can your volcano do this?