Upcoming Events

10:30 DAWN journal club
DAWN journal club
Apr 29 @ 10:30 – 11:00
DAWN journal club
Weekly paper discussion session.   For the current agenda, upcoming moderators, and other details, please visit cosmicdawn.dk/wikidawn/dawn-activities/journal-club.
10:30 DAWN journal club
DAWN journal club
May 6 @ 10:30 – 11:00
DAWN journal club
Weekly paper discussion session.   For the current agenda, upcoming moderators, and other details, please visit cosmicdawn.dk/wikidawn/dawn-activities/journal-club.
10:30 DAWN journal club
DAWN journal club
May 13 @ 10:30 – 11:00
DAWN journal club
Weekly paper discussion session.   For the current agenda, upcoming moderators, and other details, please visit cosmicdawn.dk/wikidawn/dawn-activities/journal-club.
10:30 DAWN journal club
DAWN journal club
May 20 @ 10:30 – 11:00
DAWN journal club
Weekly paper discussion session.   For the current agenda, upcoming moderators, and other details, please visit cosmicdawn.dk/wikidawn/dawn-activities/journal-club.

Recent DAWN papers

Oates, S. R. et al. , Swift/UVOT discovery of Swift J221951-484240: a UV luminous ambiguous nuclear transient, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Zheng, Zhiyuan et al. , Quasars with flare/eclipse-like variability identified in ZTF, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Glazebrook, Karl et al. , A massive galaxy that formed its stars at z ≈ 11, Nature

See more here.



Post Tagged with: "Dust"

  • Radio- og mikrobølger afslører galaksers sande natur i det tidlige Univers

    Ved hjælp af radioteleskoper over hele verden har et hold af astronomer fra Cosmic Dawn Center, København, opdaget adskillige galakser i det tidlige Univers, som har været skjult for os på grund af enorme mængder af støv. Observationerne gjorde det muligt for holdet at måle støvets tæthed og temperatur, hvilket viste, at denne type galakser bidrog væsentligt til Universets samlede stjernedannelse, da det kun var 1/10 af sin nuværende alder.

  • Radio- and microwaves reveal the true nature of dark galaxies in the early Universe

    Utilizing multiple radio telescopes across the world, a team of astronomers from the Cosmic Dawn Center, Copenhagen, have discovered several galaxies in the early Universe that, due to massive amounts of dust, were hidden from our sight. The observations allowed the team to measure the temperature and thickness of the dust, demonstrating that this type of galaxies contributed significantly to the total star formation when the Universe was only 1/10 of its current age.


RSS Astro-Pic Of the Day

  • Untitled
    How did a star form this beautiful nebula?