September 1, 2021 @ 14:00 – 15:00 Europe/Copenhagen Timezone
Room 0-08
Tagensvej 16


1) State of affairs with regard to the union representation. (Re-)Election of union rep (see below)

2) Presentation and discussion of the new salary negotiation procedure for scientists in fixed-term contracts at NBI (see attached)

3) Salary negotiations spring 2022: We can suggest a focus area / theme for the upcoming salary negotiation round if we want. Or should we do the same as this year? Input and ideas are welcome.

4) An element in the strategy for NBI for the next years will be to work on improving the work-place enviroment. Issues in the past surveys indicate that work/life balance and stress are issues that we should try to address, but how do we do that in a meaningful way? Input from the staff side is most welcome.

5) AOB