Upcoming Events

10:30 DAWN journal club
DAWN journal club
Oct 7 @ 10:30 – 11:00
DAWN journal club
Weekly paper discussion session.   For the current agenda, upcoming moderators, and other details, please visit cosmicdawn.dk/wikidawn/dawn-activities/journal-club.
10:30 DAWN journal club
DAWN journal club
Oct 14 @ 10:30 – 11:00
DAWN journal club
Weekly paper discussion session.   For the current agenda, upcoming moderators, and other details, please visit cosmicdawn.dk/wikidawn/dawn-activities/journal-club.
10:30 DAWN journal club
DAWN journal club
Oct 21 @ 10:30 – 11:00
DAWN journal club
Weekly paper discussion session.   For the current agenda, upcoming moderators, and other details, please visit cosmicdawn.dk/wikidawn/dawn-activities/journal-club.
10:30 DAWN journal club
DAWN journal club
Oct 28 @ 10:30 – 11:00
DAWN journal club
Weekly paper discussion session.   For the current agenda, upcoming moderators, and other details, please visit cosmicdawn.dk/wikidawn/dawn-activities/journal-club.



Archive for May, 2024

  • James Webb discovers record-distant galaxy, again

    Once again, the James Webb Space Telescope has expanded our cosmic frontiers: With the confirmation of two galaxies seen around 300 million years after the Big Bang, we are now closer than ever before to the epoch of the formation of the first galaxies. More than just another record, the galaxies are extremely bright, forcing us again to reconsider our knowledge of how structure forms in the Universe.

  • James Webb opdager rekordfjern galakse, igen

    Endnu engang har rumteleskopet James Webb udvidet vores kosmiske grænse: Med bekræftelsen af to galakser set omkring 300 millioner år efter Big Bang er vi nu tættere end nogensinde før på epoken for skabelsen af de første galakser. Mere end blot en ny rekord, er galakserne ekstremt klare, og tvinger os dermed til at genoverveje vores viden om, hvordan struktur dannes i Universet.

  • Invisible Galaxies, Through a Scientist’s Eyes

    Glimpsing into the galaxies of the past: that is the daunting task that students from the University of Copenhagen have undertaken by analysing so-called Lyman-α emission. While this radiation, stemming from hydrogen, is difficult to observe, investigating alternative quantities from light spectra can depict a more accurate representation of early galaxies and their characteristics.

  • Første resultater fra ESA’s rumteleskop Euclid

    I dag frigives de første videnskabelige studier fra det Europæiske Rumagentur ESA’s seneste rumteleskop, Euclid. Et af disse studier, ledet af forskere fra Cosmic Dawn Center ved Niels Bohr Institutet og DTU Space, udnytter teleskopets enorme synsfelt og infrarøde detektorer til at lede efter sjældne galakser i det tidlige Univers, som er usynlige i normalt lys. Studiet markerer det første skridt mod et storslået program til at udforske det kosmiske daggry.

  • First results from ESA’s space telescope Euclid

  • Newsletter May 2024

  • Recommended hotels


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